Podcast #019: Shane Fitzsimmons


Shane Fitzsimmons, a name that became synonymous with leadership during Australia's devastating 2019-2020 bushfire season, has undergone a remarkable evolution in his personal brand.

From being widely recognised as "the fire guy" to becoming a respected advisor and leader across various sectors, Shane's journey shows us the power of authenticity, consistency, and values-driven leadership.

Shane reflects on this transformation, noting, "Particularly through the 2019-20 fire season, which was unparalleled for New South Wales and in so many ways for the nation, I was rather prominent in radio, TV, online forums, and those sorts of things."

This visibility led to widespread recognition, with people approaching him in airports and public spaces, identifying him as "the fire guy from New South Wales."

However, Shane's brand goes beyond mere recognition.

It's rooted in the perception people have formed about him based on his conduct during those challenging times.

His brand's evolution didn't happen overnight. It results from decades of consistent behaviour, authentic leadership, and a strong foundation of values.

As we delve deeper into Shane's journey, we'll explore how his personal brand has been shaped by his early life experiences, his career in emergency services, and his transition into broader advisory roles.

We'll examine the values that guide his decision-making, his approach to leadership, and how he's steered the challenges of maintaining genuineness while adapting to organisational and societal changes.

Shane's story offers both knowledge and wisdom for anyone looking to build a strong, authentic personal brand that can withstand the test of time and evolve with changing circumstances.

Consistency is strongly aligned with Authenticity
— Shane Fitzsimmons AO AFSM - former Commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service


00:00 - Intro

01:43 - How Shane Sees His Self as a Brand or as Shane Fitzsimmons

02:48 - Being Associated as a Brand or as an Individual?

04:48 - Embracing Your Own Limitations

07:23 - The Difference between Being Recognised and Having a Reputable Position

08:23 - The Origin of Shane’s Values

11:04 - Reflection on Values

13:33 - A Time Where Shane’s Values Were Tested

18:32 - Encouraging Organisations to Improve Values, Beliefs, and Practices

22:17 - Partnering with Aligned Organisations

24:21 - Value Proposition within Shane’s Business

27:39 - Shane’s Life Balance

28:38 - Recalibrating Work-Life Balance: Was It Shane’s Choice?

31:14 - Shane’s Established Relationships

32:55 - Being Honoured with Officer Order of Australia

35:00 - Shane’s Mindset around Professionalism – “My Philosophy Is Very Simple, Professionalism Isn’t about Whether You Are Paid for What You Do, It’s About What You Do and How You Do It”

39:04 - Shane’s Mentors

45:09 - Outro


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