Quitting a High-Profile Job to Build an Empire from Her Spare Room

In the dynamic business and media world, few individuals shine as brightly as Gemma Tognini. 

Gemma Tognini is the founder and executive director of GT Communications, which has offices in Sydney and Perth. 

Gemma's day-to-day existence spans both the corporate and media worlds. 

An award-winning business owner, winner of the Telstra Business Women's Awards, and business owner of the year, she is an opinion columnist with The Australian newspaper and the Western Australian and a regular management contributor with Sky News. 

But this is just the start of the story. 

Gemma was a senior journalist and chief of staff with the Seven Network for a decade. 

In 2003, wanting her life to look different, she quit her job and started her business, GT Communications, armed with a mobile and a $500 computer in her spare room. 

Nearly two decades later, she and her team have a national footprint of clients across a diverse and dynamic range of industries, from banks to privately owned breweries to listed entities, government, and nonprofit organisations. Gemma is one of the most sought-after strategic advisors in her field. 

Gemma divides her time between running her company, which has a global footprint of clients that includes some of Australia's best-known corporate and retail brands, and her career as a forthright, honest, engaging, and fearless media commentator. 

Gemma drives debates and influences outcomes, writing about issues as diverse as gender pay parity to the challenges working families face. And quite literally, everything in between. 

Gemma Tognini is an influential social and political commentator, columnist, writer, broadcaster, and award-winning entrepreneur. 

She is a battle-hardened corporate advisor, having steered clients through some of Australia's most high-profile media storms. 

The unique road on which she has walked over a 30-year career makes her a highly relevant and engaging speaker for a range of audiences. 

Gemma is also a seasoned emcee and has appeared on countless panels as both a moderator and presenter at very senior levels. 

Gemma is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has served as a non-exec director of Surf Lifesaving Western Australia, the Salvation Army, and the Starlight Children's Foundation. 

As we delve deeper into her story, we uncover the principles, values, and strategies underpinning her remarkable career and life.

Defining Personal and Professional Brand

Personal branding has emerged as a crucial element of success in today's corporate world. 

Gemma Tognini, a master in this arena, offers a fresh perspective on how personal branding evolves, mirroring one's personal and professional growth. 

Her views on branding are not static; they are as dynamic as her career, reflecting her belief in continuous evolution.

Tognini’s approach to personal branding is grounded in authenticity and self-reflection. 

She admits, “I think my own personal brand? That's a really tricky question to answer. I think it's still evolving because I'm still evolving.”. This statement encapsulates her philosophy that personal branding is not a one-time endeavour but a journey that parallels one’s own life and career path. 

It's about understanding and harnessing one's strengths, values, and experiences to create an authentic identity that resonates both personally and professionally.

Gemma's story is a powerful example of how personal branding goes beyond mere self-promotion. 

It is about creating a narrative that is true to oneself, a narrative that evolves with each milestone and challenge. 

Her career trajectory, transitioning from journalism to entrepreneurship, highlights the fluidity of her brand. 

It’s a testament to her adaptability and willingness to embrace change, a quality essential in today's fast-paced business world.

For Tognini, personal branding is more than just a professional tool; it reflects her core values and beliefs. Her journey shows that a well-crafted personal brand can be a powerful asset, opening doors and creating opportunities. 

It's building a reputation that precedes you and speaks volumes about your abilities, ethics, and unique contributions to your field.

The Intersection of Personal Life and Professional Identity

Navigating the delicate balance between personal life and professional identity is a challenge familiar to many, but few manage it with the grace and understanding of Gemma Tognini. 

In an era where social media blurs the lines between the private and public spheres, Gemma's approach offers insightful lessons on maintaining this equilibrium.

Tognini’s strategy for balancing her public persona with her private life is a blend of openness and careful curation. 

She shares, “I have two accounts [on Instagram]. One is an open account... and then I have a private account... for my family and close friends.”

This deliberate separation allows her to engage with a broader audience while preserving a sanctuary for personal interactions. 

Her decision to maintain distinct social media personas reflects a broader strategy: the conscious delineation of her personal and professional worlds.

This approach is not just for managing online profiles; it reflects Gemma's deeper understanding of the importance of boundaries. 

In a world where personal and professional lives are increasingly intertwined, her method demonstrates the value of compartmentalisation.

It’s a strategic move that ensures her public image is carefully crafted without encroaching on her private life, enabling her to be authentic in both realms.

Moreover, Gemma's approach to this intersection speaks to a larger narrative about the role of social media in shaping public perception. 

Her methods guide professionals in navigating the complex dynamics of online engagement, emphasising the need for thoughtfulness and strategy in presenting themselves to the world.

Career Progression and Challenges

Gemma Tognini's career is a fascinating study of evolution and adaptation. 

Transitioning from journalism to entrepreneurship, she has navigated a path filled with challenges and opportunities, shaping a unique narrative in the corporate world. 

Her journey from a journalist to the founder of GT Communications is not just a career shift but proof of her resilience and visionary outlook.

Gemma reflects on this significant transition: "I quit journalism in 2003 to start my company and then had close to a decade of just glorious blessing private life”. 

This move was a leap into the unknown, a bold step from the structured world of journalism into the uncharted waters of entrepreneurship. 

It speaks volumes about her willingness to embrace risk, which is undoubtedly a cornerstone of her success.

Starting GT Communications was more than launching a business; it was about creating a platform aligned with her values and professional aspirations. 

It was an endeavour that allowed her to apply her journalistic skills in a new context, leveraging her ability to communicate and connect with people in a more entrepreneurial setting.

The challenges of this journey were manifold. 

Starting and running a successful business requires not just technical skills but also leadership, resilience, and the ability to adapt to constantly changing circumstances. 

Gemma’s story is replete with overcoming obstacles, learning from failures, and persistently pursuing her goals. 

Her experience is a powerful reminder of the importance of adaptability and resilience in any profession.

Values and Ethics in Business and Personal Life

At the heart of Gemma Tognini’s impressive career lies a steadfast commitment to values and ethics in both business and personal life. 

This commitment has not only shaped her professional trajectory but also defined the ethos of GT Communications. 

Tognini’s philosophy underscores the integral role of values in creating a sustainable and successful business model.

Central to Gemma’s approach is the prioritisation of relationships over transactions. 

She emphasises this, saying, “One of our DNA is... we value relationship over transaction”. This principle clearly reflects her belief in the power of authentic connections and ethical business practices. 

For Gemma, business is not just about financial gain; it's about building lasting relationships based on trust, respect, and mutual benefit.

This focus on relationships extends beyond client interactions; it permeates every aspect of her leadership style. 

Gemma understands that a business’s success is intrinsically linked to the well-being and engagement of its team. 

Her approach to leadership is rooted in empathy, integrity, and a genuine commitment to the growth and development of her team.

Gemma's values are also evident in how she navigates the challenges and complexities of the corporate world. 

Her journey is marked by a consistent adherence to ethical practices, even in adversity. This unwavering commitment to her principles has earned her respect in her industry and contributed to the longevity and success of her business.

Gemma’s emphasis on values and ethics resonates deeply in today’s business landscape, where consumers and stakeholders increasingly value transparency and social responsibility. 

Her approach models how businesses can thrive by aligning their operations with their core values.

The Role of Reputation and Resilience

In the narrative of Gemma Tognini's successful career, two elements stand out distinctly: the importance of reputation and the necessity of resilience. 

These twin pillars have not only underpinned her professional journey but have also shaped her approach to business and life.

Gemma’s perspective on reputation is deeply influenced by her background and personal experiences. 

She reflects on the significance of reputation in her life, noting, “Reputation came as a result of what they'd built. So they came from as economic migrants after the war and... built a reputation based on the contribution to the community”. 

This insight reveals her understanding of reputation not merely as a professional asset but as a reflection of one’s contributions and values. 

For Gemma, reputation is a legacy built over time through consistent, ethical actions and a commitment to making a positive impact.

Her emphasis on reputation extends beyond personal accolades; it is about creating a lasting, positive impression in every interaction with clients, colleagues, or the community. 

This approach has enabled her to build a robust network of trust and respect, which is essential to her work as a corporate advisor and media commentator.

Alongside reputation, resilience has been a crucial factor in Gemma’s journey. 

The world of entrepreneurship and media is replete with challenges and uncertainties. 

Gemma’s ability to navigate these, bounce back from setbacks, and continuously evolve highlights her resilience. 

Her story is a powerful reminder that resilience is not just about enduring difficulties but also about learning from them and emerging stronger.

Gemma’s resilience is particularly noteworthy in how she has managed to maintain her values and vision in the face of adversity. 

Her story exemplifies the idea that resilience is integral to building a sustainable and meaningful career. 

It’s about having the fortitude to stay true to one’s principles, even when challenging.

Mentorship and Personal Development

Gemma Tognini’s journey is not only a story of individual success but also a testament to the power of mentorship and personal development. 

Throughout her career, she has both sought guidance and provided it, underscoring the significant role mentorship plays in professional growth and success.

In the realm of mentorship, Gemma’s experiences are both unique and insightful. 

She reveals, “No one has ever offered to mentor me... I simply asked people”. 

This proactive approach to seeking mentorship reflects her understanding of its value and her willingness to take initiative in her own personal development. 

Gemma’s experience highlights a critical aspect of mentorship: it is often a path one must actively pursue rather than wait for it to be offered.

Her journey shows that effective mentorship is not just receiving guidance; it is seeking out those who can provide the wisdom, insights, and experiences that align with one's own aspirations and challenges. 

Her approach to mentorship underscores the importance of being selective and intentional in seeking advisors and mentors who can truly contribute to one’s personal and professional growth.

Gemma’s experience as a mentor herself also adds another dimension to her understanding of this relationship. 

She embodies the role of a mentor through sharing her experiences, insights, and guidance with others. 

Her approach to mentorship is characterised by empathy, a deep understanding of the challenges professionals face, and a commitment to helping others navigate their paths.

Gemma's story encourages professionals to seek mentorship and engage actively in continuous learning and self-improvement.

Doing so also reminds us of the responsibility to pass on our knowledge and experiences to others, fostering a culture of growth and development in the professional community.

Future Outlook and Maintaining Relevance

In a rapidly evolving business landscape, maintaining relevance is a challenge many professionals face. 

Gemma Tognini, with her multifaceted career, offers a unique perspective on how to stay pertinent and engaged in various roles. 

Her approach is a blend of continual learning, improvement, and adaptation, ensuring her skills and insights remain fresh and relevant.

She insightfully states, “How do I maintain relevance? Well, I suppose from a client perspective, it's that continual learning and continual improvement”. 

This reflects her understanding that staying relevant in one’s field is an ongoing process, requiring dedication to learning and evolving alongside industry trends and changes.

Her commitment to ongoing education and adaptability is not just about keeping up with the latest trends; it's about deepening her expertise and broadening her perspectives. 

Gemma recognises that to stay ahead in the competitive world of business and media, one must be willing to continuously challenge oneself and step out of one's comfort zone. 

It’s being open to new ideas, embracing change, and applying learning in innovative ways.

Gemma’s outlook on maintaining relevance extends beyond professional development. 

It also involves staying engaged with her audience, understanding their evolving needs, and adapting her communication and strategies accordingly. 

Her ability to connect with people, whether clients or the wider public, is a key aspect of her sustained relevance.

Gemma’s approach is a powerful reminder that maintaining relevance in one’s career is dynamic. 

It involves a combination of self-awareness, a willingness to learn and grow, and the ability to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of one’s industry. 

Final Words

As we reflect on the multifaceted journey of Gemma Tognini, it becomes evident that her story is not just one of professional success but also of personal development, resilience, and evolution. 

Her narrative is a beacon for anyone navigating the complex waters of the modern professional world. 

It's a story that encourages embracing change, seeking growth, and always striving for excellence in all facets of life. 

Her journey is a powerful example of how one can successfully forge a path that is not only successful in conventional terms but also rich in learning, personal fulfilment, and lasting impact.

If you'd like to learn more about developing your personal brand, visit garrybrowne.com.au to get in touch or grab a copy of Brand New Brand You