On Thursday 17th October, I am privileged to be presenting a Masterclass on Branding to MBA students at the University of Technology (UTS), my alma mater.
This is the first time I have taken a Masterclass but not the first time I have presented to an MBA class. For me, it is an inspiring and invigorating experience to share some of my knowledge and experience gathered over the last 4 decades in my working life. As they say the well-known old Latin principle Docendo discimus - "the best way to learn is to teach”.
Young people are the future of humanity. Lets help them realise their potential and give them every opportunity to be the best they can be.
Branded not stranded is the theme for my session and I hope that the take away for the class will be rewarding and insightful, to help them all realise how to maximise their own brand and maintain relevance throughout life.