Even though we often try and sort out an issue with a short-term focus, we forget that there are always long-term implications.
It happens all the time and what ends up being compromised are values for value. By that I mean valuable quality time, potential quality, performance or even a core value you or your company has for dollars and cents.
I have made this compromise on occasion and I feel guilty after the event as I know I should have taken a slower, more considered approach and made a different decision that was more aligned with my values. COVID has forced us to slow down and reconsider what is really important – what we value.
As leaders in our business and in other roles we must lead by example in every respect and show how important it is that values are the guiding path for us that will last over time. When our values are our foundation and our guiding light, we will have a more peaceful and congruent life.
What is it that forces us to sacrifice values, is it time, money, or both? Do we forget or get sucked up by other factors that cause us to compromise our position? I wrestle with this thought regularly, however, I keep coming back to the fact that competition for our position in life has a significant impact.
How do we change this? Well we cannot and perhaps should not stop our ambition, however we may need to be more restrained when we are placed in a complex and difficult position.
Here is something to think about. Are you value or values driven? Can you be both? I think you can and that it comes down to balance.